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Selectmen Minutes 06/06/2006
Chichester Board of Selectmen
June 6, 2006

Present:  Chairman MacCleery, Selectman Colbert, Selectman DeBold and Patty Wooster, Administrative Assistant.  Chairman MacCleery opened the meeting at 7:00PM.

SUBJECT: Road Agent, Mr. David Kenneally

HIGHLIGHTS:  Mr. Kenneally met with the Board of Selectmen regarding a few issues.  Mr. Kenneally advised the Board of Selectmen that he has ok’d an addendum to the Webster Mills Bridge project.  He stated the cost will be an additional $2,000.00 and that the State will pay 80% of it.  The reason for the addendum is for additional geotechnical inspection.  The engineer felt that this inspection was necessary because of the difficult soil conditions at the bridge foundation.  The geotechnical engineer will inspect the preparation of and dewatering of the foundations, to be sure it is performed correctly before the foundations will be poured.  Also, a qualified technician will be sent to the plant where the pre-cast components of the bridge are constructed to do some pre-cursory inspections.  The Board of Selectmen reviewed the addendum and approved of the addendum.  Chairman MacCleery signed the addendum.  Chairman MacCleery stated some concern about CLD Engineering coming back after the fact with this addendum.  Mr. Kenneally stated that this work is not required, but CLD Engineering felt the tests are necessary.

Mr. Kenneally stated the he had received a fax from CLD Engineering regarding the bid for the engineering of Center Road. At the request of Mr. Kenneally, CLD Engineering had reviewed the bid from Brown Engineering.  Mr. Kenneally stated the bids were not exactly the same.  However, Selectman DeBold stated that he had the opportunity to review both of the bids.  He discovered that the bids were pretty close to being the same.  He stated that CLD Engineering’s basic engineering bid was $25,000.00, while Brown Engineering’s bid for basic engineering was $15,000.00.  Selectman DeBold had some concern about the bid from Brown Engineering as it appears it was done by a licensed surveyor and not by a professional engineer.  He stated that if CLD Engineering can meet the bid of Brown Engineer, he would recommend CLD Engineering.  Chairman MacCleery stated that in fairness to all, if CLD Engineering does change their bid, then the bid should go out again.  Selectman DeBold stated he would like the opportunity to speak with Joanne of CLD Engineering and ask for an explanation as to why they were changing their bid proposal.  He said he would like to get back to the Board next Tuesday with his findings.

Mr. Kenneally asked the Board of Selectmen if they had received a response from the Town Engineer regarding the letter the Board of Selectmen had sent him on May 15, 2006 regarding the findings of an independent engineering firm concerning Malachy Glen Phase II’s roadways.  The Board of Selectmen stated that they have not received a response from him.  It was decided that another letter would be sent to Mr. Rollins and his direct supervisor. Mr. Kenneally reported that the contractor at Malachy Glen Phase II is loaming and hydro-seeding.  He stated that the water is sitting on the road and the contractor had changed the blue print of the road and it is not working out.  Selectman DeBold stated that he will review the Request for Proposal for an engineer.  He asked Patty if she would contact surrounding towns to find out who they use as a Town Engineer.

Mr. Kenneally stated that he went to the Planning Board meeting on June 1, 2006 and the Chichester Congressional Church through their engineer had presented plans regarding the expansion of the church.  Apparently the church wants to have a driveway that would come off the “throughway” on the north side of the library.  Mr. Kenneally stated that he did not think that “throughway” was a road.  He believes that the “throughway” was illegally marked.  He said he would like some legal advice.  He said if this “throughway” is considered a road, the church’s driveway would cut across the Town’s property.  Mr. Kenneally stated that he did not want an island in the library parking lot.  He said it would make it difficult to plow in the winter.

Mr. Kenneally stated that he has received a price regarding paving 1,700 feet on Hutchinson Road.  The cost is $53.00 a ton.  Mr. Kenneally stated that he would try to have Staniels Road and Canterbury Road paved at the same time.

SUBJECT: Mrs. Dorothy Nelson

HIGHLIGHTS:  Attending with Mrs. Nelson were Messrs. Dennis Nolan, Richie Turner and Mark Dunn.  The reason for Mrs. Nelson’s meeting was to clarify ownership of a piece of property that was listed by the Town as “owner unknown”.  After much research by Attorney Mark Dunn and surveyor Mr. Richie Turner, it was discovered that the property belongs to Mrs. Nelson.  The property that she has been paying taxes on does not belong to her and that property will now be listed as “owner unknown”.  Attorney Dunn will have the deed corrected to reflect the rightful owner.

SUBJECT: General Business

HIGHLIGHTS:  Chairman MacCleery stated that he had attended the disaster drill on June 5, 2006 at the Chichester School. He stated that while he was there he had spoken to the School Principal, Ms. Pam Stiles.  She told Chairman MacCleery that people were parking in the wrong place during ball games at the school.  He advised her we would speak to the Police Chief.

Selectman Colbert stated that he noticed that people were parking by the snack shack at Carpenter Park.  He suggested that members from Park and Recreation should go to the next Chichester Youth Association Meeting to discuss this issue and arrange to get “no parking” signs.

Patty advised the Board of Selectmen that Mr. Dale Halliquist met with Dave Paveglio and obtained a building permit.

Also, Patty stated that she discussed the Ferman’s Conservation Easement with Dave Hynes of the Department of Revenue Service.  He suggested a few changes.  The Board of Selectmen will review the suggested changes and discuss them at the next meeting.

Patty said that she spoke with the Town Attorney regarding the Booth property.  He suggested that a letter be delivered to Mr. Booth advising him that he is trespassing.  

Patty sent over to the Town Attorney a draft copy of an agreement to Mr. LaValley regarding the vehicles he has on his property.  The agreement was reviewed by the Board of Selectmen and they asked Patty to send a letter to Mr. LaValley regarding the agreement and schedule Mr. LaValley to meet with them to sign the agreement.  

Regarding the Evans letter the Town Attorney advised Patty to send the letter in a plain envelope followed by the Police Department hand delivering the letter.

Patty was asked last week to contact the Local Government Center regarding insurance for subcontractors.  Patty stated that she had spoken with the Town’s representative at the Local Government Center and was advised that the Town’s insurance does not cover subcontractors’ loss only the Town’s loss.

Chairman MacCleery stated that he had spoken to Mrs. Rose Warren regarding scheduling a time when the Selectmen can present her with the Boston Post Cane.  Mrs. Warren told Chairman MacCleery that Wednesday, June the 7, 2006 would be a good day.

Chairman MacCleery asked the other Board members about putting an addendum to the Minutes of May 16.  The addendum is to clarify the appointment of David Kenneally to the Planning Board.  In the Minutes it showed that Selectman DeBold was not in favor of appointing Mr. Kenneally to the Planning Board.  The reason he was not in favor of appointing Mr. Kenneally was because the Motion was made to appoint “private citizen” David Kenneally to the Planning Board, which Chairman MacCleery and Selectman Colbert were in favor of.  Selectman DeBold wanted Mr. Kenneally to be appointed to the Planning Board as David Kenneally the Road Agent.

Patty was asked to send a memo to the Road Agent asking him to pump out the well at the Library and to take care of a drainage ditch problem on Center Road.

Briefly discussed were the plans for Chichester Congressional Church.  The Board of Selectmen decided that the plans for the church should not be sent to the Town Engineer as the Town will be sending out Request for Proposals for a new Town Engineer.   Selectman DeBold will review the Request for Proposal and draft a proposal.  Patty was asked to call the Planning Board Secretary and ask her not to send the church’s plans to the Town Engineer; and if she had, she should get them back.

The Board signed payroll and accounts payable.  

Legal correspondence, mail and e-mail were reviewed.  

Minutes from May 30, 2006 were reviewed and approved

Being no further business, Chairman MacCleery adjourned the meeting at 10:35PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Patty Wooster
Administrative Assistant

Chairman Stephen MacCleery

David Colbert

Richard DeBold